Friday, September 30, 2016

Time Management

1 - Establish priorities
Not all tasks are essential. Make a prioritized list. Some tasks can wait. Some tasks can be delegated. Some tasks can be tossed.

2 - Know yourself
Schedule highest priority tasks when you do your best work. Morning person or night owl ­– know who you are. 

3 - Sleep. Be Healthy
Stress reduces performance, as does lack of sleep. Be sure to get enough of both. Also, try walking or stretching between study activities to help clear your mind and reset your brain for new information.

4 - Build in flexibility
An adult learner needs a flexible mindset and a flexible schedule. Build slack into your schedule to help manage unforeseen obstacles. Life happens. Plan accordingly.

5 - Let the little things add up
Don’t wait for big chunks of time to get things done. Whether touching base with an academic advisor, editing a paper, reviewing notes, or reading a few pages of required reading­ – small things can be accomplished in the spaces between other commitments.

6 - Know when it’s survival time
Midterms and finals are not a time for moderation. Non-essentials should fall to the wayside as you prepare yourself for these important tests. Let your friends and family know finals are coming so they can give you the space you need.

7 - Know when it’s celebration time
Celebrate milestones. Acknowledge a job well done. Give yourself and others permission to be proud of your hard work ­–­ and mark the progression towards your degree.

8 - Compromise
At times, there will not be enough time to get things done the way you want. When those times happen, trade in excellence for efficiency. Sometimes, good enough has to be good enough.
Earning a college degree is a cumulative ­process. If you develop good time management habits early on – you’ll be able to reward yourself with a college degree sooner, rather than later.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Are you prepared for the Fall Quarter?

Image result for student success

Have you:
Completed you DRC application
Registered for Classes
Gotten your Books
Prepared a Study Schedule
Visit your classrooms
Accepted your accommodations

Need help with any of these things? Come see an Academic Coach! We would love to help!